Dick van Langeveld (1951) is an authority in the world of vacuum technology. He is one of the few Dutch certified lecturers in this field. After his chemistry study at Leiden University, Dick finished his Ph.D. in mathematics and physics in 1983 while working at the Dutch Society for Scientific Research (NWO). After working at the Southern Illinois University Carbondale (U.S.A.) for one year, he lectured at the Technical University of Eindhoven, the University of Amsterdam and since 1991 at the Technical University at Delft. All the while he has been teaching vacuum technology at associates and bachelor degree level. During his career, Dick promoted his field of study through different additional offices.
Even as a fundamental scientist, Dick always put practical solutions to industrial problems first. His extensive knowledge in material science enables him to optimize products and processes.
At The High Tech Institute Dick is one of the teachers at the courses Introduction in ultra high and ultra clean vacuum and Design for ultra high and ultra clean vacuum. ‘The courses at HTI completely focus on vacuum technology on a high level and pace. Vacuum technology was always an important tool to me for good scientific research. It’s fun and challenging to teach students, especially if they have difficult questions. Both my fellow teachers and I enjoy passing our knowledge and experience to others. We know all the tricks of the trade and are licensed by NEVAC, the Dutch Vacuum Society. Our strength lies in the combined practical experience we amassed during our professional careers.’
Dick’s childhood in Indonesia not only makes him partial to the Indonesian cuisine, but also gave him the tools to interact easily with people from different cultures and backgrounds. He always has appreciated the skills and ideas of technicians at the workshops of his various employers. ‘You will only find solutions to problems if everybody contributes.’