Work experience
- Research Fellow, Nuclear Physics Accelerator Institute (KVI), Groningen
- 1978-1982
- Post Doctoral Fellow, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA
- 1982- 1984
- Assistant Professor of Nuclear Physics, Yale University, New Haven, CT
- 1984-1987
- Assistant Professor of Computer Science, TU Eindhoven
- 1987- 1999
- Knowledge Dissemination Manager, (E)ESI, Eindhoven
- 1999-2003
- Independent consultant and trainer
- 2000-present
O.S. van Roosmalen, Chamber of Commerce Eindhoven 17125379
Training programs on object-oriented techniques (UML), particularly applied to real-time and embedded systems.
Motivation to lecture
The combination of design issues and real-time is very interesting. The course shows some real engineering aspects of software development.
Specific way of teaching
Balanced amount of theory and practice. Much interaction. Excellent case studies. Much practice yourself. Detailed solutions made available.
'Onno van Roosmalen named teacher of the year at High Tech Institute'
'Object-oriented techniques are also suitable for PLCs'
'If it works, then managers think it’s done.'